/* * Copyright (C) 2019 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License (the "License"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, * either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #include "ble_qiot_template.h" #include #include #include #include "ble_qiot_export.h" #include "ble_qiot_common.h" #include "ble_qiot_param_check.h" static bool sg_test_bool = 0; static int sg_test_int = 0; static char sg_test_str[128] = {0}; static float sg_test_float = 0.0; static uint16_t sg_test_enum = 0; static uint32_t sg_test_time = 0; static struct_property_t_struct sg_test_struct; static struct_property_t_struct2 sg_test_struct2; static int ble_property_t_bool_set(const char *data, uint16_t len) { sg_test_bool = data[0]; printf("set: sg_test_bool: %d\r\n", sg_test_bool); return 0; } static int ble_property_t_bool_get(char *data, uint16_t buf_len) { data[0] = sg_test_bool; printf("get: sg_test_bool: %d\r\n", sg_test_bool); return sizeof(uint8_t); } static int ble_property_t_int_set(const char *data, uint16_t len) { int test_int = 0; memcpy(&test_int, data, sizeof(int)); sg_test_int = NTOHL(test_int); printf("set: sg_test_int: %d\r\n", sg_test_int); return 0; } static int ble_property_t_int_get(char *data, uint16_t buf_len) { int test_int = 0; printf("get: sg_test_int: %d\r\n", sg_test_int); test_int = HTONL(sg_test_int); memcpy(data, &test_int, sizeof(int)); return sizeof(uint32_t); } static int ble_property_t_str_set(const char *data, uint16_t len) { memcpy(sg_test_str, data, sizeof(sg_test_str) > len ? len : (sizeof(sg_test_str) - 1)); printf("set: sg_test_str: %s\r\n", sg_test_str); return 0; } static int ble_property_t_str_get(char *data, uint16_t buf_len) { memcpy(data, sg_test_str, strlen(sg_test_str)); printf("get: sg_test_str: %s\r\n", sg_test_str); return strlen(sg_test_str); } static int ble_property_t_float_set(const char *data, uint16_t len) { memcpy(&sg_test_float, data, sizeof(float)); printf("set: sg_test_float: %f\r\n", sg_test_float); return 0; } static int ble_property_t_float_get(char *data, uint16_t buf_len) { memcpy(data, &sg_test_float, sizeof(float)); printf("get: sg_test_float: %f\r\n", sg_test_float); return sizeof(float); } static int ble_property_t_enum_set(const char *data, uint16_t len) { uint16_t test_enum = 0; memcpy(&test_enum, data, sizeof(uint16_t)); sg_test_enum = NTOHS(test_enum); printf("set: sg_test_enum: %d\r\n", sg_test_enum); return 0; } static int ble_property_t_enum_get(char *data, uint16_t buf_len) { uint16_t test_enum = 0; printf("get: sg_test_enum: %d\r\n", sg_test_enum); test_enum = HTONS(sg_test_enum); memcpy(data, &test_enum, sizeof(uint16_t)); return sizeof(uint16_t); } static int ble_property_t_time_set(const char *data, uint16_t len) { int test_int = 0; memcpy(&test_int, data, sizeof(int)); sg_test_time = NTOHL(test_int); printf("set: sg_test_time: %d\r\n", sg_test_time); return 0; } static int ble_property_t_time_get(char *data, uint16_t buf_len) { int test_int = 0; printf("get: sg_test_time: %d\r\n", sg_test_time); test_int = HTONL(sg_test_time); memcpy(data, &test_int, sizeof(int)); return sizeof(uint32_t); } static int ble_property_t_struct_s_bool_set(const char *data, uint16_t len) { sg_test_struct.m_s_bool = data[0]; printf("set: sg_test_struct.m_s_bool: %d\r\n", sg_test_struct.m_s_bool); return 0; } static int ble_property_t_struct_s_bool_get(char *data, uint16_t buf_len) { data[0] = sg_test_struct.m_s_bool; printf("get: sg_test_struct.m_s_bool: %d\r\n", sg_test_struct.m_s_bool); return sizeof(uint8_t); } static int ble_property_t_struct_s_int_set(const char *data, uint16_t len) { int test_int = 0; memcpy(&test_int, data, sizeof(int)); sg_test_struct.m_s_int = NTOHL(test_int); printf("set: sg_test_struct.m_s_int: %d\r\n", sg_test_struct.m_s_int); return 0; } static int ble_property_t_struct_s_int_get(char *data, uint16_t buf_len) { int test_int = 0; printf("get: sg_test_int: %d\r\n", sg_test_struct.m_s_int); test_int = HTONL(sg_test_struct.m_s_int); memcpy(data, &test_int, sizeof(int)); return sizeof(uint32_t); } static int ble_property_t_struct_s_str_set(const char *data, uint16_t len) { memcpy(sg_test_struct.m_s_str, data, sizeof(sg_test_struct.m_s_str) > len ? len : (sizeof(sg_test_struct.m_s_str) - 1)); printf("set: sg_test_struct.m_s_str: %s\r\n", sg_test_struct.m_s_str); return 0; } static int ble_property_t_struct_s_str_get(char *data, uint16_t buf_len) { memcpy(data, sg_test_struct.m_s_str, strlen(sg_test_struct.m_s_str)); printf("get: sg_test_struct.m_s_str: %s\r\n", sg_test_struct.m_s_str); return strlen(sg_test_struct.m_s_str); } static int ble_property_t_struct_s_float_set(const char *data, uint16_t len) { memcpy(&sg_test_struct.m_s_float, data, sizeof(float)); printf("set: sg_test_struct.m_s_float: %f\r\n", sg_test_struct.m_s_float); return 0; } static int ble_property_t_struct_s_float_get(char *data, uint16_t buf_len) { memcpy(data, &sg_test_struct.m_s_float, sizeof(float)); printf("get: sg_test_struct.m_s_float: %f\r\n", sg_test_struct.m_s_float); return sizeof(float); } static int ble_property_t_struct_s_enum_set(const char *data, uint16_t len) { uint16_t test_enum = 0; memcpy(&test_enum, data, sizeof(uint16_t)); sg_test_struct.m_s_enum = NTOHS(test_enum); printf("set: sg_test_struct.m_s_enum: %d\r\n", sg_test_struct.m_s_enum); return 0; } static int ble_property_t_struct_s_enum_get(char *data, uint16_t buf_len) { uint16_t test_enum = 0; printf("get: sg_test_struct.m_s_enum: %d\r\n", sg_test_struct.m_s_enum); test_enum = HTONS(sg_test_struct.m_s_enum); memcpy(data, &test_enum, sizeof(uint16_t)); return sizeof(uint16_t); } static int ble_property_t_struct_s_time_set(const char *data, uint16_t len) { int test_int = 0; memcpy(&test_int, data, sizeof(int)); sg_test_struct.m_s_time = NTOHL(test_int); printf("set: sg_test_struct.m_s_time: %d\r\n", sg_test_struct.m_s_time); return 0; } static int ble_property_t_struct_s_time_get(char *data, uint16_t buf_len) { int test_int = 0; printf("get: sg_test_struct.m_s_time: %d\r\n", sg_test_struct.m_s_time); test_int = HTONL(sg_test_struct.m_s_time); memcpy(data, &test_int, sizeof(int)); return sizeof(uint32_t); } static ble_property_t sg_ble_t_struct_property_array[BLE_QIOT_STRUCT_T_STRUCT_PROPERTY_ID_BUTT] = { {ble_property_t_struct_s_bool_set, ble_property_t_struct_s_bool_get, BLE_QIOT_PROPERTY_AUTH_RW, BLE_QIOT_DATA_TYPE_BOOL}, {ble_property_t_struct_s_int_set, ble_property_t_struct_s_int_get, BLE_QIOT_PROPERTY_AUTH_RW, BLE_QIOT_DATA_TYPE_INT}, {ble_property_t_struct_s_str_set, ble_property_t_struct_s_str_get, BLE_QIOT_PROPERTY_AUTH_RW, BLE_QIOT_DATA_TYPE_STRING}, {ble_property_t_struct_s_float_set, ble_property_t_struct_s_float_get, BLE_QIOT_PROPERTY_AUTH_RW, BLE_QIOT_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT}, {ble_property_t_struct_s_enum_set, ble_property_t_struct_s_enum_get, BLE_QIOT_PROPERTY_AUTH_RW, BLE_QIOT_DATA_TYPE_ENUM}, {ble_property_t_struct_s_time_set, ble_property_t_struct_s_time_get, BLE_QIOT_PROPERTY_AUTH_RW, BLE_QIOT_DATA_TYPE_TIME}, }; static int ble_property_t_struct_set(const char *data, uint16_t len) { return ble_user_property_struct_handle(data, len, sg_ble_t_struct_property_array, BLE_QIOT_STRUCT_T_STRUCT_PROPERTY_ID_BUTT); } static int ble_property_t_struct_get(char *data, uint16_t len) { return ble_user_property_struct_get_data(data, len, sg_ble_t_struct_property_array, BLE_QIOT_STRUCT_T_STRUCT_PROPERTY_ID_BUTT); } static int ble_property_t_struct2_s_bool_set(const char *data, uint16_t len) { sg_test_struct2.m_s_bool = data[0]; printf("set: sg_test_struct2.m_s_bool: %d\r\n", sg_test_struct2.m_s_bool); return 0; } static int ble_property_t_struct2_s_bool_get(char *data, uint16_t buf_len) { data[0] = sg_test_struct2.m_s_bool; printf("get: sg_test_struct2.m_s_bool: %d\r\n", sg_test_struct2.m_s_bool); return sizeof(uint8_t); } static ble_property_t sg_ble_t_struct2_property_array[BLE_QIOT_STRUCT_T_STRUCT2_PROPERTY_ID_BUTT] = { {ble_property_t_struct2_s_bool_set, ble_property_t_struct2_s_bool_get, BLE_QIOT_PROPERTY_AUTH_RW, BLE_QIOT_DATA_TYPE_BOOL}, }; static int ble_property_t_struct2_set(const char *data, uint16_t len) { return ble_user_property_struct_handle(data, len, sg_ble_t_struct2_property_array, BLE_QIOT_STRUCT_T_STRUCT2_PROPERTY_ID_BUTT); } static int ble_property_t_struct2_get(char *data, uint16_t len) { return ble_user_property_struct_get_data(data, len, sg_ble_t_struct2_property_array, BLE_QIOT_STRUCT_T_STRUCT2_PROPERTY_ID_BUTT); } static ble_property_t sg_ble_property_array[BLE_QIOT_PROPERTY_ID_BUTT] = { {ble_property_t_bool_set, ble_property_t_bool_get, BLE_QIOT_PROPERTY_AUTH_RW, BLE_QIOT_DATA_TYPE_BOOL}, {ble_property_t_int_set, ble_property_t_int_get, BLE_QIOT_PROPERTY_AUTH_RW, BLE_QIOT_DATA_TYPE_INT}, {ble_property_t_str_set, ble_property_t_str_get, BLE_QIOT_PROPERTY_AUTH_RW, BLE_QIOT_DATA_TYPE_STRING}, {ble_property_t_float_set, ble_property_t_float_get, BLE_QIOT_PROPERTY_AUTH_RW, BLE_QIOT_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT}, {ble_property_t_enum_set, ble_property_t_enum_get, BLE_QIOT_PROPERTY_AUTH_RW, BLE_QIOT_DATA_TYPE_ENUM}, {ble_property_t_time_set, ble_property_t_time_get, BLE_QIOT_PROPERTY_AUTH_RW, BLE_QIOT_DATA_TYPE_TIME}, {ble_property_t_struct_set, ble_property_t_struct_get, BLE_QIOT_PROPERTY_AUTH_RW, BLE_QIOT_DATA_TYPE_STRUCT}, {ble_property_t_struct2_set, ble_property_t_struct2_get, BLE_QIOT_PROPERTY_AUTH_RW, BLE_QIOT_DATA_TYPE_STRUCT}, }; static bool ble_check_space_enough_by_type(uint8_t type, uint16_t left_size) { switch (type) { case BLE_QIOT_DATA_TYPE_BOOL: return left_size >= sizeof(uint8_t); case BLE_QIOT_DATA_TYPE_INT: case BLE_QIOT_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT: case BLE_QIOT_DATA_TYPE_TIME: return left_size >= sizeof(uint32_t); case BLE_QIOT_DATA_TYPE_ENUM: return left_size >= sizeof(uint16_t); default: // string length is unknow, default true return true; } } static uint16_t ble_check_ret_value_by_type(uint8_t type, uint16_t buf_len, uint16_t ret_val) { switch (type) { case BLE_QIOT_DATA_TYPE_BOOL: return ret_val <= sizeof(uint8_t); case BLE_QIOT_DATA_TYPE_INT: case BLE_QIOT_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT: case BLE_QIOT_DATA_TYPE_TIME: return ret_val <= sizeof(uint32_t); case BLE_QIOT_DATA_TYPE_ENUM: return ret_val <= sizeof(uint16_t); default: // string length is unknow, default true return ret_val <= buf_len; } } uint8_t ble_get_property_type_by_id(uint8_t id) { if (id >= BLE_QIOT_PROPERTY_ID_BUTT) { ble_qiot_log_e("invalid property id %d", id); return BLE_QIOT_DATA_TYPE_BUTT; } return sg_ble_property_array[id].type; } int ble_user_property_set_data(const e_ble_tlv *tlv) { POINTER_SANITY_CHECK(tlv, BLE_QIOT_RS_ERR_PARA); if (tlv->id >= BLE_QIOT_PROPERTY_ID_BUTT) { ble_qiot_log_e("invalid property id %d", tlv->id); return BLE_QIOT_RS_ERR; } if (NULL != sg_ble_property_array[tlv->id].set_cb) { if (0 != sg_ble_property_array[tlv->id].set_cb(tlv->val, tlv->len)) { ble_qiot_log_e("set property id %d failed", tlv->id); return BLE_QIOT_RS_ERR; } else { return BLE_QIOT_RS_OK; } } ble_qiot_log_e("invalid set callback, id %d", tlv->id); return BLE_QIOT_RS_ERR; } int ble_user_property_get_data_by_id(uint8_t id, char *buf, uint16_t buf_len) { int ret_len = 0; POINTER_SANITY_CHECK(buf, BLE_QIOT_RS_ERR_PARA); if (id >= BLE_QIOT_PROPERTY_ID_BUTT) { ble_qiot_log_e("invalid property id %d", id); return -1; } if (NULL != sg_ble_property_array[id].get_cb) { if (!ble_check_space_enough_by_type(sg_ble_property_array[id].type, buf_len)) { ble_qiot_log_e("not enough space get property id %d data", id); return -1; } ret_len = sg_ble_property_array[id].get_cb(buf, buf_len); if (ret_len < 0) { ble_qiot_log_e("get property id %d data failed", id); return -1; } else { if (ble_check_ret_value_by_type(sg_ble_property_array[id].type, buf_len, ret_len)) { return ret_len; } else { ble_qiot_log_e("property id %d length invalid", id); return -1; } } } ble_qiot_log_e("invalid callback, property id %d", id); return 0; } int ble_user_property_report_reply_handle(uint8_t result) { ble_qiot_log_d("report reply result %d", result); return BLE_QIOT_RS_OK; } int ble_user_property_struct_handle(const char *in_buf, uint16_t buf_len, ble_property_t struct_arr[], uint8_t arr_size) { uint16_t parse_len = 0; uint16_t ret_len = 0; e_ble_tlv tlv; while (parse_len < buf_len) { memset(&tlv, 0, sizeof(e_ble_tlv)); ret_len = ble_lldata_parse_tlv(in_buf + parse_len, buf_len - parse_len, &tlv); parse_len += ret_len; if (parse_len > buf_len) { ble_qiot_log_e("parse struct failed"); return parse_len; } if (tlv.id >= arr_size) { ble_qiot_log_e("invalid array index %d", tlv.id); return parse_len; } if (NULL == struct_arr[tlv.id].set_cb) { ble_qiot_log_e("invalid member id %d", tlv.id); return parse_len; } if (BLE_QIOT_RS_OK != struct_arr[tlv.id].set_cb(tlv.val, tlv.len)) { ble_qiot_log_e("user handle property error, member id %d, type %d, len %d", tlv.id, tlv.type, tlv.len); return parse_len; } } return 0; } int ble_user_property_struct_get_data(char *in_buf, uint16_t buf_len, ble_property_t struct_arr[], uint8_t arr_size) { uint8_t property_id = 0; uint8_t property_type = 0; int property_len = 0; char * data_buf = in_buf; uint16_t data_len = 0; uint16_t string_len = 0; for (property_id = 0; property_id < arr_size; property_id++) { property_type = struct_arr[property_id].type; if (property_type >= BLE_QIOT_DATA_TYPE_BUTT) { ble_qiot_log_e("member id %d type %d invalid", property_id, property_type); return BLE_QIOT_RS_ERR; } data_buf[data_len++] = BLE_QIOT_PACKAGE_TLV_HEAD(property_type, property_id); if (BLE_QIOT_DATA_TYPE_STRING == property_type) { // reserved 2 bytes for string length property_len = struct_arr[property_id].get_cb((char *)data_buf + data_len + 2, buf_len - data_len - 2); } else { property_len = struct_arr[property_id].get_cb((char *)data_buf + data_len, buf_len - data_len); } if (property_len < 0) { ble_qiot_log_e("too long data, member id %d, data length %d", property_id, data_len); return BLE_QIOT_RS_ERR; } else if (property_len == 0) { // no data to post data_len--; data_buf[data_len] = '0'; ble_qiot_log_d("member id %d no data to post", property_id); } else { if (BLE_QIOT_DATA_TYPE_STRING == property_type) { string_len = HTONS(property_len); memcpy(data_buf + data_len, &string_len, sizeof(uint16_t)); data_len += sizeof(uint16_t); } data_len += property_len; } } return data_len; } static int ble_event_get_t_event_t_bool(char *data, uint16_t buf_len) { data[0] = true; return sizeof(uint8_t); } static int ble_event_get_t_event_t_int(char *data, uint16_t buf_len) { int test_int = HTONL(32); memcpy(data, &test_int, sizeof(int)); return sizeof(uint32_t); } static int ble_event_get_t_event_t_str(char *data, uint16_t buf_len) { memcpy(data, "event", sizeof("event") - 1); return sizeof("event") - 1; } static int ble_event_get_t_event_t_enum(char *data, uint16_t buf_len) { uint16_t test_enum = HTONS(1); memcpy(data, &test_enum, sizeof(uint16_t)); return sizeof(uint16_t); } static int ble_event_get_t_event_t_float(char *data, uint16_t buf_len) { float test_float = 1.0; memcpy(data, &test_float, sizeof(float)); return sizeof(float); } static int ble_event_get_t_event_t_time(char *data, uint16_t buf_len) { int test_int = HTONL(32); memcpy(data, &test_int, sizeof(int)); return sizeof(uint32_t); } static ble_event_param sg_ble_event_t_event_array[BLE_QIOT_EVENT_T_EVENT_PARAM_ID_BUTT] = { {ble_event_get_t_event_t_bool, BLE_QIOT_DATA_TYPE_BOOL}, {ble_event_get_t_event_t_int, BLE_QIOT_DATA_TYPE_INT}, {ble_event_get_t_event_t_str, BLE_QIOT_DATA_TYPE_STRING}, {ble_event_get_t_event_t_enum, BLE_QIOT_DATA_TYPE_ENUM}, {ble_event_get_t_event_t_float, BLE_QIOT_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT}, {ble_event_get_t_event_t_time, BLE_QIOT_DATA_TYPE_TIME}, }; static ble_event_t sg_ble_event_array[BLE_QIOT_EVENT_ID_BUTT] = { {sg_ble_event_t_event_array, sizeof(sg_ble_event_t_event_array) / sizeof(ble_event_param)}, }; int ble_event_get_id_array_size(uint8_t event_id) { if (event_id >= BLE_QIOT_EVENT_ID_BUTT) { ble_qiot_log_e("invalid event id %d", event_id); return -1; } return sg_ble_event_array[event_id].array_size; } uint8_t ble_event_get_param_id_type(uint8_t event_id, uint8_t param_id) { if (event_id >= BLE_QIOT_EVENT_ID_BUTT) { ble_qiot_log_e("invalid event id %d", event_id); return BLE_QIOT_DATA_TYPE_BUTT; } if (param_id >= sg_ble_event_array[event_id].array_size) { ble_qiot_log_e("invalid param id %d", param_id); return BLE_QIOT_DATA_TYPE_BUTT; } return sg_ble_event_array[event_id].event_array[param_id].type; } int ble_event_get_data_by_id(uint8_t event_id, uint8_t param_id, char *out_buf, uint16_t buf_len) { int ret_len = 0; if (event_id >= BLE_QIOT_EVENT_ID_BUTT) { ble_qiot_log_e("invalid event id %d", event_id); return -1; } if (param_id >= sg_ble_event_array[event_id].array_size) { ble_qiot_log_e("invalid param id %d", param_id); return -1; } if (NULL == sg_ble_event_array[event_id].event_array[param_id].get_cb) { ble_qiot_log_e("invalid callback, event id %d, param id %d", event_id, param_id); return 0; } if (!ble_check_space_enough_by_type(sg_ble_event_array[event_id].event_array[param_id].type, buf_len)) { ble_qiot_log_e("not enough space get data, event id %d, param id %d", event_id, param_id); return -1; } ret_len = sg_ble_event_array[event_id].event_array[param_id].get_cb(out_buf, buf_len); if (ret_len < 0) { ble_qiot_log_e("get event data failed, event id %d, param id %d", event_id, param_id); return -1; } else { if (ble_check_ret_value_by_type(sg_ble_event_array[event_id].event_array[param_id].type, buf_len, ret_len)) { return ret_len; } else { ble_qiot_log_e("evnet data length invalid, event id %d, param id %d", event_id, param_id); return -1; } } } int ble_user_event_reply_handle(uint8_t event_id, uint8_t result) { ble_qiot_log_d("event id %d, reply result %d", event_id, result); return BLE_QIOT_RS_OK; } static int ble_action_handle_t_action_input_cb(e_ble_tlv *input_param_array, uint8_t input_array_size, uint8_t *output_id_array) { int i = 0; int test_int = 0; float test_float = 0; uint16_t test_enum = 0; uint32_t test_time = 0; for (i = 0; i < input_array_size; i++) { if (BLE_QIOT_ACTION_T_ACTION_INPUT_ID_IN_BOOL == input_param_array[i].id) { printf("input id: %d, val: %d\r\n", BLE_QIOT_ACTION_T_ACTION_INPUT_ID_IN_BOOL, input_param_array[i].val[0]); } else if (BLE_QIOT_ACTION_T_ACTION_INPUT_ID_IN_INT == input_param_array[i].id) { memcpy(&test_int, input_param_array[i].val, sizeof(int)); test_int = NTOHL(test_int); printf("input id: %d, val: %d\r\n", BLE_QIOT_ACTION_T_ACTION_INPUT_ID_IN_INT, test_int); } else if (BLE_QIOT_ACTION_T_ACTION_INPUT_ID_IN_STR == input_param_array[i].id) { printf("input id: %d, val: %s\r\n", BLE_QIOT_ACTION_T_ACTION_INPUT_ID_IN_STR, input_param_array[i].val); } else if (BLE_QIOT_ACTION_T_ACTION_INPUT_ID_IN_FLOAT == input_param_array[i].id) { memcpy(&test_float, input_param_array[i].val, sizeof(float)); printf("input id: %d, val: %f\r\n", BLE_QIOT_ACTION_T_ACTION_INPUT_ID_IN_FLOAT, test_float); } else if (BLE_QIOT_ACTION_T_ACTION_INPUT_ID_IN_ENUM == input_param_array[i].id) { memcpy(&test_enum, input_param_array[i].val, sizeof(uint16_t)); test_enum = NTOHS(test_enum); printf("input id: %d, val: %d\r\n", BLE_QIOT_ACTION_T_ACTION_INPUT_ID_IN_ENUM, test_enum); } else if (BLE_QIOT_ACTION_T_ACTION_INPUT_ID_IN_TIME == input_param_array[i].id) { memcpy(&test_time, input_param_array[i].val, sizeof(int)); test_time = NTOHL(test_time); printf("input id: %d, val: %d\r\n", BLE_QIOT_ACTION_T_ACTION_INPUT_ID_IN_TIME, test_time); } output_id_array[input_param_array[i].id] = true; } return 0; } static int ble_action_handle_t_action_output_cb(uint8_t output_id, char *buf, uint16_t buf_len) { uint16_t ret_len = 0; int test_int = HTONL(32); int test_float = 3; uint16_t test_enum = HTONS(1); uint32_t test_time = HTONL(1613059200); if (BLE_QIOT_ACTION_T_ACTION_INPUT_ID_IN_BOOL == output_id) { buf[0] = true; ret_len = 1; } else if (BLE_QIOT_ACTION_T_ACTION_INPUT_ID_IN_INT == output_id) { memcpy(buf, &test_int, sizeof(int)); ret_len = sizeof(int); } else if (BLE_QIOT_ACTION_T_ACTION_INPUT_ID_IN_STR == output_id) { memcpy(buf, "output", sizeof("output") - 1); ret_len = sizeof("output") - 1; } else if (BLE_QIOT_ACTION_T_ACTION_INPUT_ID_IN_FLOAT == output_id) { memcpy(buf, &test_float, sizeof(float)); ret_len = sizeof(float); } else if (BLE_QIOT_ACTION_T_ACTION_INPUT_ID_IN_ENUM == output_id) { memcpy(buf, &test_enum, sizeof(uint16_t)); ret_len = sizeof(uint16_t); } else if (BLE_QIOT_ACTION_T_ACTION_INPUT_ID_IN_TIME == output_id) { memcpy(buf, &test_time, sizeof(int)); ret_len = sizeof(int); } return ret_len; } static uint8_t sg_ble_action_t_action_input_type_array[BLE_QIOT_ACTION_T_ACTION_INPUT_ID_BUTT] = { BLE_QIOT_DATA_TYPE_BOOL, BLE_QIOT_DATA_TYPE_INT, BLE_QIOT_DATA_TYPE_STRING, BLE_QIOT_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT, BLE_QIOT_DATA_TYPE_ENUM, BLE_QIOT_DATA_TYPE_TIME, }; static uint8_t sg_ble_action_t_action_output_type_array[BLE_QIOT_ACTION_T_ACTION_OUTPUT_ID_BUTT] = { BLE_QIOT_DATA_TYPE_BOOL, BLE_QIOT_DATA_TYPE_INT, BLE_QIOT_DATA_TYPE_STRING, BLE_QIOT_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT, BLE_QIOT_DATA_TYPE_ENUM, BLE_QIOT_DATA_TYPE_TIME, }; static ble_action_t sg_ble_action_array[BLE_QIOT_ACTION_ID_BUTT] = { {ble_action_handle_t_action_input_cb, ble_action_handle_t_action_output_cb, sg_ble_action_t_action_input_type_array, sg_ble_action_t_action_output_type_array, sizeof(sg_ble_action_t_action_input_type_array) / sizeof(uint8_t), sizeof(sg_ble_action_t_action_output_type_array) / sizeof(uint8_t)}, }; uint8_t ble_action_get_intput_type_by_id(uint8_t action_id, uint8_t input_id) { if (action_id >= BLE_QIOT_ACTION_ID_BUTT) { ble_qiot_log_e("invalid action id %d", action_id); return BLE_QIOT_DATA_TYPE_BUTT; } if (input_id >= sg_ble_event_array[action_id].array_size) { ble_qiot_log_e("invalid input id %d", input_id); return BLE_QIOT_DATA_TYPE_BUTT; } return sg_ble_action_array[action_id].input_type_array[input_id]; } uint8_t ble_action_get_output_type_by_id(uint8_t action_id, uint8_t output_id) { if (action_id >= BLE_QIOT_ACTION_ID_BUTT) { ble_qiot_log_e("invalid action id %d", action_id); return BLE_QIOT_DATA_TYPE_BUTT; } if (output_id >= sg_ble_event_array[action_id].array_size) { ble_qiot_log_e("invalid output id %d", output_id); return BLE_QIOT_DATA_TYPE_BUTT; } return sg_ble_action_array[action_id].output_type_array[output_id]; } int ble_action_get_input_id_size(uint8_t action_id) { if (action_id >= BLE_QIOT_ACTION_ID_BUTT) { ble_qiot_log_e("invalid action id %d", action_id); return -1; } return sg_ble_action_array[action_id].input_id_size; } int ble_action_get_output_id_size(uint8_t action_id) { if (action_id >= BLE_QIOT_ACTION_ID_BUTT) { ble_qiot_log_e("invalid action id %d", action_id); return -1; } return sg_ble_action_array[action_id].output_id_size; } int ble_action_user_handle_input_param(uint8_t action_id, e_ble_tlv *input_param_array, uint8_t input_array_size, uint8_t *output_id_array) { if (action_id >= BLE_QIOT_ACTION_ID_BUTT) { ble_qiot_log_e("invalid action id %d", action_id); return -1; } if (NULL != sg_ble_action_array[action_id].input_cb) { if (0 != sg_ble_action_array[action_id].input_cb(input_param_array, input_array_size, output_id_array)) { ble_qiot_log_e("input handle error"); return -1; } } return 0; } int ble_action_user_handle_output_param(uint8_t action_id, uint8_t output_id, char *buf, uint16_t buf_len) { int ret_len = 0; if (action_id >= BLE_QIOT_ACTION_ID_BUTT) { ble_qiot_log_e("invalid action id %d", action_id); return -1; } if (NULL == sg_ble_action_array[action_id].output_cb) { ble_qiot_log_e("invalid callback, action id %d", action_id); return 0; } if (!ble_check_space_enough_by_type(sg_ble_action_array[action_id].output_type_array[output_id], buf_len)) { ble_qiot_log_e("not enough space get data, action id %d, output id %d", action_id, output_id); return -1; } ret_len = sg_ble_action_array[action_id].output_cb(output_id, buf, buf_len); if (ret_len < 0) { ble_qiot_log_e("get action data failed, action id %d, output id %d", action_id, output_id); return -1; } else { if (ble_check_ret_value_by_type(sg_ble_action_array[action_id].output_type_array[output_id], buf_len, ret_len)) { return ret_len; } else { ble_qiot_log_e("action data length invalid, action id %d, output id %d", action_id, output_id); return -1; } } } #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif